Help for groups

The INQUIR system requires all users to belong to one or more groups. These groups roughly coincide with the research groups in the Lab, and are used for a few different purposes:

The following groups are currently accepting new users:

Name # Users
Adm Sup Act Tot mem?
Lab Headquarters 0 40 82 414 Y
ICE Lab 1 8 4 21 Y
Infrastructure Group 4 45 37 372 Y
Infolab 2 8 61 283 Y
Computational Biophysics 0 4 11 61 Y
Model-based Embedded and Robotic Systems 2 7 34 179 Y
Learning and Intelligent Systems 2 38 53 380 Y
Programming Methodology 1 2 3 151 Y
Vision (other PIs) 3 40 14 589 Y
Machine Learning and Inference 1 3 25 67 Y
Natural Language Processing 2 17 13 237 Y
Program Analysis 1 4 6 120 Y
Software Design 1 3 8 124 Y
Robotics (Rus) 2 24 51 422 Y
Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems 5 10 48 258 Y
Theory of Computation 3 94 205 2048 Y
Computer Graphics 2 6 30 325 Y
Computational & Systems Biology 1 8 4 72 Y
Networks and Mobile Systems 2 27 69 663 Y
Clinical Decision-Making 1 7 23 245 Y
Advanced Network Architecture 2 11 13 205 Y
Haystack 1 2 15 158 Y
Mathematics and Computation 0 18 34 173 Y
Spoken Language Systems 2 7 28 544 Y
Computer Architecture 3 35 78 1158 Y
Database 2 24 38 299 Y
Multimodal Understanding 1 4 8 102 Y
Computational Cognitive Science 2 24 37 219 Y
Decentralized Information Group 2 12 24 133 Y
Robot Locomotion Group 1 12 27 162 Y
Computational Genomics 1 11 11 128 Y
Supertech 3 6 19 256 Y
Computational Biology (Berger) 2 7 47 142 Y
Computational Biology (Kellis) 5 40 199 390 Y
Marine Robotics 1 16 45 216 Y
Holodeck guest access 1 2 2 30 Y
Computer-Aided Programming 1 7 31 116 Y
Synthetic Biology 1 8 1 53 Y
Clinical & Applied Machine Learning 1 7 24 92 Y
Center for Biological & Computational Learning 1 10 6 77 Y
Multicore Algorithmics 2 6 11 150 Y
Programming Languages and Verification 1 4 22 102 Y
Interactive Robotics Group 1 9 33 109 Y
Computation Structures 1 15 52 350 Y
Anyscale Learning For All 2 11 31 266 Y
Finance and Economics 1 1 2 17 Y
High Performance Networked Systems 0 4 2 23 Y
Computational Fabrication 1 12 54 186 Y
Cybersecurity 1 5 5 48 Y
Prediction Analysis Lab 1 2 0 7 Y
Combinatorial Machine Learning 2 5 13 31 Y
Programming Systems 1 1 7 35 Y
Broderick Group 1 2 3 22 Y
Clinical Machine Learning 1 4 23 79 Y
Geometric Data Processing 1 5 20 99 Y
Usable Programming 1 1 5 154 Y
HCI Engineering 1 40 68 147 Y
Visualization 1 2 17 47 Y
Robust Robotics Group 3 7 34 171 Y
Parallel Algorithms and Programming 1 2 21 38 Y
Embodied Intelligence 2 5 42 96 Y
Program Analysis and Compilation 1 5 15 38 Y
Architecture Security 1 1 14 34 Y
Internet Policy Research Initiative 0 9 34 46 Y
Healthy ML 1 6 33 58 Y
Computation and Language 1 2 22 30 Y
Scene Representation Group 2 1 17 26 Y
Algorithmic Design 2 1 10 21 Y
Julia Lab 1 3 19 33 Y
Vision (Torralba) 2 3 40 56 Y
Vision (Oliva) 2 4 14 17 Y
Vision (Fisher) 2 3 2 20 Y
Vision (Adelson) 1 4 18 20 Y
Vision (Isola) 2 1 8 13 Y
Vision (Golland) 2 10 37 53 Y
Vision (Beery) 2 1 14 15 Y
Vision (Freeman) 2 3 37 42 Y
Regina Barzilay Group 2 4 60 72 Y
FutureTech 2 11 85 89 Y
Language and Intelligence 2 1 27 45 Y
Visual Computing Languages & Systems 1 1 18 24 Y
Vision (He) 1 1 12 17 Y
Improbable AI 2 6 55 102 Y
Human-AI Interaction 1 1 1 2 Y
Collaborative Learning and Autonomy Research 1 1 12 13 Y
Human-AI Resonance 0 0 0 1 Y